University of Liverpool 

Client:  Integral UK Ltd

PROJECT – University of Liverpool (Donnan Labs)

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The Challenge

Replace a bottom drive traction service lift with wooden hinge doors & lattice car gates. The lift is used for chemical and radioactive material deliveries by trolley to the labs on all 5 floors of the building.

The Solution

We designed a bespoke lift solution with VVVF drive system and resolved the floor area issue using a vertical bi parting door system. The building remained fully occupied during the entire project presented unique demands for a project of this scale. A high level of on-site & off-site design, planning, management, and controls testing throughout the entire scheme.

The Afters

Key to the whole project was good communication with client and building users to identify installation sequences & ensure disturbances could be avoided. Good product design to ensure solution is fit for purpose.

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